domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

My blog experience

Hi guys! Today I'm going to talk about my blog experience in this express course of english. In general for me was really fun writte in the blog. It was very fun told to my classmates things of my life in another language.
I think that doing the post in the blog gives me more confidence in my abilitys for english. Obviously I need to learn more but I think that this kind of excersices are very useful for practice the language.
I think that my skills in English have improved very much, especially in the written and the oral part. In the past I often fell insecure when a foreigner ask me some thing and I have to answer in english. I felt ashamed if I can't say waht I want to say. But now I fell a little more confidence about my abilitys and what to say in some cases. Even so I have to say that the listenning part it's hard for me yet.
In the future I would like to practice some themes about our career. Like how to talk about our art works in other countries or with foreigners that are in  Chile. So I hope that in the English 4 we can writte about things like that.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

London webquest

Hello! Today I'm going to talk about a test that we have. Was about Londons activities that we can do if we are in London for vacations.
I liked the activitie because It's made me an idea of places that I can visit if I go to London someday. I discover many possibilities of activities that I could do in this city. I don't know much of London so I hope go some day and do all this things.
I enjoyed doing the webquest. Was more easy that anothers activities that we have to do in class so I think that all could have a good mark.
I don't know many places of London but if I had to recomenden one  would be the Abbey Road street. Cross this street It's like a thing that we must to do if we visit London. All the people do it! So if you go to London go to there.


jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My dream vacation

Hi guys! Today I'm going to talk about a place that I would  like to visit in the future. First of all I have to say that are to many places that I would like to travel. Thailand, Barcelona, New Zelanda, California and much more. If I had the money, I would go to every parts of the world.
A place that I really like to visit some day it's Bali. Bali it's an Indonesian's island and haves idyllic beachs and a life style so different that wath I have today.
I would to travel when I finish my career and stay there for unlimited time. I would like live there and no just go to visit for a short time.
I'd like to go there because it's a paradisiacal place. I love the beach and the relax life that you can have there. I know a person that  moved to Bali and  she says that the persons who lives there are so friendly and have a life style very healthy away from the stress of the city and she is more happy now living like that.
I would like to live there and work as an artist doing my creations.
I hope some day I can visit Bali and live there.